I Like Cream Pie

My first time eating pie was in Tagaytay back in 2013. We were at Puzzle Mansion at that time which was a museum full of huge jigsaw puzzles that had thousands of pieces. We were mesmerized by the colorful puzzles that looked like paintings from afar. My brother and I were interested in the 3D and wooden puzzles because we always thought puzzles were only 2D. My mom and aunts on the other hand were interested in the jigsaw puzzles that depicted famous paintings and had pieces ranging from 1000 to 10,000 pieces. 

After the tour through the cool museum, we took a break outside to eat. We saw that they were selling pie along with other pasalubong. It was called Coconut Cream Pie and the vendor said it was only made at Puzzle Mansion and that it wasn’t your usual baker’s pie. When we got the pie, I was excited since I haven’t eaten one before. The pie was delicious, its rich and creamy filling of coconut and cream went well with the crunchy crust. It was refreshing to eat since it was pretty hot at the time. After having a few slices, we bought a few more to eat at the hotel while building a puzzle vase.

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